
Heather Campbell


Heather supports the attorneys in managing the funding aspects for trust related legal matters by preparing applicable forms, tracking  trust assets and communicating with clients and financial institutions to ensure compliance with funding requirements necessary to fund their trusts.

After leaving her job as Director of Member Services for a Homeowners Association in San Antonio to become a stay-at-home mom, she reentered the workforce first as an Investigator for the Clinton Township Trustee, then moving to a tax firm as Director of Member Services and Tax Preparer.

Heather was raised in Wyoming where she attended high school and Northwest College. After school she moved to a remote Island in the Pacific known as Johnston Atoll, where she met her husband, Jim. After leaving Johnston Atoll she spent 7 years in San Antonio, Texas and finally settled in Indiana. Heather and Jim share four children and love watching them play sports and participate in academic and musical activities.  In her spare time, she enjoys reading, listening to music and camping.